Publications 1987

K. Schweizerhof, E. Ramm: Follower force effects on the stability of cylindrical shells under water and wind load. ASCE, Journal of Engineering Mechanics 113, p. 72-88, 1987

P. Vielsack, H. Schmieg, U. Wolz: Schräges Fließgelenk beim kinetischen Kippvorgang. ZAMM 67, T144-145, 1987

P. Vielsack: Vibrations of inelastic structures: modelling and experiments. Proceedings 11, Canadian Congress of Appied Mechanics, p.140-141, 1987

P. Vielsack, H. Schmieg: Irreversible Verschiebungen in dynamischen Systemen am Beispiel des Pfahlrammens. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 22, S. 15-25, 1987

P. Vielsack: A simple analysis for the blowup phenomenon of inelastic members in compression. International Journal of Applied Mechanics 54, p. 459-460, 1987

P. Vielsack, H. Schmieg: Wechselnde Bindungen in einem Zweikörpersystem mit trockener Reibung. Ingenieur Archiv 57, S. 445-458, 1987

P. Vielsack: Sensitivity of clamp joints. International Journal: Dynamics and Stability of Systems 2, p. 139-147, 1987